馆内新闻 | 天津大港奥林匹克博物馆出席国际奥林匹克博物馆联盟(OMN)第十八届年会

  2023-9-13  浏览量:735



On September 12, 2023, the 18th Annual Assembly of the Olympic Museums’ Network (OMN) was held online as scheduled. As the founder of four museums, including Samaranch Memorial, Xiamen Olympic Museum, Tianjin D. Olympic Museum, and Nanjing Olympic Museum, Mr. Ching-kuo Wu participated in this online assembly together with the deputy curators of the four museums.


OMN is the first international organization of Olympic and sports museums founded by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The OMN then has become a Olympic communication platform, which promotes the further integration and development of sport and culture, as well as greatly facilitates the dissemination of the Olympic Movement and sports culture around the world.

会议由Frédérique Jamolli女士主持开场并欢迎各位成员的参与。会议主要由OMN管理方面汇报、皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦家族协会介绍及后期活动安排、OMN成员助力2024年巴黎奥运会的项目情况、OMN联盟成员参与国际奥委会相关项目的情况四部分组成。

The assembly was started by Ms. Frédérique Jamolli, who welcomed the members to the assembly. The assembly consisted of four parts: governance, projects and activities of the Association Familiale Pierre de Coubertin, OMN members contributions to Paris 2024, and OMN participation in IOC projects.


In OMN Governance part, the Swedish Sports Museum reported the basic information and called for joining the network. Afterwards, the three members, including the Olympic Museum in Lausanne (30th anniversary), Samaranch Memorial (10th anniversary), and Estonia Sports and Olympic Museum (60th anniversary), respectively, reported about their anniversaries.


The assembly also reported network structure, basic information, and future plans. With OMN logo updated, guidelines for the use of the logo will be shared with members later.


The 18th OMN assembly also featured a special invitation to the Pierre de Coubertin Family Association to share projects and activities during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

会议尾声,洛桑奥林匹克博物馆(The Olympic Museum)、美国普莱西德湖奥林匹克博物馆(Lake Placid Olympic Museum)以及斯洛伐克奥林匹克和体育博物馆(Slovak Olympic and Sports Museum)三座博物馆分别分享了他们针对2024年巴黎奥运会计划开展的项目。

At the end of the assembly, the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, the Lake Placid Olympic Museum in the United States, and the Slovak Olympic and Sports Museum shared their planned projects for Paris 2024.

国际奥林匹克博物馆联盟(OMN)主席Angelita Teo女士

Ms. Angelita Teo

最后,国际奥林匹克博物馆联盟(OMN)主席Angelita Teo女士为会议作总结陈词,谈及联盟丰富和多样化的特点,欢迎各方的积极参与和加入。

Finally, Ms. Angelita Teo made concluding remarks, saying that the richness and diversity of the network welcome active participation.

天津大港奥林匹克博物馆作为OMN联盟成员, 开馆至今,一直遵循着吴经国馆长传播薪传奥林匹克文化、弘扬奥林匹克精神的建馆初衷,积极推动中国与国际间在体育、文化与艺术方面的交流。坚决贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,有效整合和利用自身资源,以体育塑造公民的文化修养、合作精神、拼搏精神、控制能力、社会准则。坚守和弘扬全人类共同价值观的国际传播与实践,倡导奥林匹克和平理念,坚持以体育人、以美化人,将体育精神与艺术之美融合,构建国际奥林匹克文化与教育交流合作的纽带。

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