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2020-8-7 浏览量:530
Hello. I’m glad to know that Beijing 2022 has developed a series of promotional videos for winter Paralympic sports to be released today to the public. This is an important move to promote the Paralympics and the spirit of sport.
By introducing Paralympic ice and snow sports in a brief and emotional way, these videos will definitely allow people, from all over the world, to have an intuitive understanding of the sports and their glamour, as well as the perseverance and determination of the Paralympic athletes. We hope this will encourage more people to join the ice and snow sports, which leads to greater respect for diversity and inclusiveness and promote the progress of social civilization.
Beijing 2022 has made fruitful results in knowledge management and talent development. The release of the videos is another great, remarkable event, adding to its proven track record of achievements. Beijing 2022 has always been striving to embrace a brighter future with its foresight and excellence.
Congratulations to you all! Thank you!